Is A Will The Right Way?

A will can designate guardians for minor children, instruct how your assets (house, life insurance policies, retirement accounts, investments, cryptocurrency, bank accounts, car, pets, etc.), will be distributed, and keep your family out of conflict after your death. A will is a good estate planning tool, but like trusts, whether a will is the best estate planning tool for your family depends on your unique situation. Here are some advantages and disadvantages you can consider when deciding whether a will is right for you.

3 Strategies to Protect Your Spouse Even if Same-Sex Marriage is Banned

If Obergefell is overturned, whether same-sex marriage is legal would come down to what state you live in. Florida has a Statute banning same-sex marriage. Under Obergefell this law isn’t valid. If Obergefell is overturned, Florida would no longer recognize same-sex marriages unless that law is changed.  

5 Things to Think About When You’re Picking a Guardian for your Kids 

Picking a guardian for your kids is probably going to be the hardest decision you make when you’re going through your Family Estate Planning Process. It’s tough to think you won’t be there to raise your kids so you should take the time to make a decision you’re happy with. Remember, these decisions are not set in stone. Your Family Estate Plan evolves and changes as your life evolves and changes. If you pick someone and three years from now, you’re just not as close as you used to be, you are able to change your guardian.

Common Mistakes When DIYing Estate Planning Documents

There are many mistakes you can make when you DIY your estate plan. Here are some of the most common ones that can result in court intervention, division of assets according to state law, and DCF involvement in the placement of your children.

Estate Planning 101

Why hire an attorney? DIYing your estate plan could mean invalid documents, probate, and DCF intervention. A qualified attorney will help take control of what happens if you’re not around giving you peace of mind.  At IGS Legal we focus on families with young children because we understand that making sure your kids are taken care of is your top priority. Through our estate planning process, we know its not just about assets.  We make sure that if you’re not around your children are safe, protected, and taken care of by someone you know and trust.